Toddlekind GmbH

Rodenbacher Strasse 3A
63579 Freigericht

*please do not use this address for returns - click here for instructions

Managing Director: Samantha Brueckner

Registration court: Hanau

Registration number: HRB96502

VAT identification number: DE317992784

Unique identifier: FR208682_01FUIG


Tel: + 49 (0) 6055 883 8000 (Please only use this phone number in urgent cases. Otherwise you will always reach us via email)

Responsible for content § 55 RStV: 
Samantha Brueckner

Rodenbacher Strasse 3A

63579 Freigericht


Legal notice:

All texts, images and information published here are governed by the provider’s copyright, insofar as copyrights of external parties are not involved. In any event, an operation involving duplication, distribution or public reproduction may only be carried out if revocable and untransferable authorisation has been obtained from the provider.

The provider assumes no responsibility for the online contents that are linked through the use of cross-references (links), for which those operators themselves are to be held responsible. In this regard, the supplier is not subject to any general obligation to monitor or check cross-references. However, if a violation of the law becomes known, the respective link will promptly be removed.

Complaints Procedure-Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which is accessible at We are not obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.