Blog posts
March 10, 2025
How to create the boho chic playroom of your dreams
Setting up a playroom for your little one is an exciting project where your imagination can run wild! Whether you have a spare room, or just a corner, with a...

The Power of Play | Meet Toddlekind’s New Interactive Playsack
Play forms a big part in a child’s development, but as adults, we don’t appreciate just how important it is. A child’s experiences during their early years shape their developing...

Pelvic Floor Q&A with Charlotte Church
Last month, we talked with mum of two - and pelvic health physiotherapist - Charlotte Church about the best thing you can do for yourself both now, and in the...

Your Pelvic Floor and Living Life without "Oops" Moments
At some point on your motherhood journey, you may start doing things you never dreamed like a little wee when you sneeze. Or crossing your legs when you cough or...

Below the surface - Testing and Compliance for Children's play mats
We've said this before, but children's play mats are like icebergs. The smallest part of an iceberg bobs above the water, but when you dive below the surface the size...

Play Mat Shopping: The Ultimate Checklist
Congratulations! You’re having a baby, and you have an exciting journey ahead of you. After baby, a play mat is a perfect addition to your home because you (and your...

Play mats: How are their materials made?
As consumers, we are understandably concerned about the chemicals and synthetic materials that go into making the products we use, wear and eat. Rightly so! When we become parents this...

How to care for your playmat
Poonamies, drooling, sippy cups, and snacks - With a child around leaks and crumbs are never far away. We all love and adore our children but let’s be honest, they...

Play Mat Material Choices | The Pros and Cons
Icebergs are huge above the water. But dive below the surface and you’ll discover they are truly enormous. Play mats are like icebergs. In a previous blog - READ HERE...